advocacy, amy, animals, annual, apple, asl, astrophotography, australia, backup, books, caffeine, cars, cheese, chinese, computers, continuations, copyright, driving, eclipse, education, ego, electronics, email, esperanto, flying, geocaching, geopoliconomic, git, house, html, japanese, job, kindle, language, lisp, livejournal, maps, minilink, mirror, mlp, money, nz, osw, perl, peru, photos, psa, psil, purge, puzzle, python, random, rant, shaback, slack, software, space, spain, spam, stackless, sundry, tacos, tail-recursion, taxes, telescope, toys, travel, unix, usa, virus, weather, web, widgets, wikipedia, windows, xearth, [untagged]

Date Title Tags
2005-05-02 public service announcement rant, driving
2005-04-22 the runaround, by apple driving, computers, apple
2004-05-25 rules of the road rant, driving
2004-02-15 my car is no snowmobile driving, weather
2003-11-23 garlic, cars, steak, and the weather flying, random, driving
2003-10-22 burst of creative energy animals, driving
Greg Hewgill <>