吁 (U+5401 radical 口)

  1. (xū) sh; hush
  2. (yù) implore
  3. (yù) to implore
4 entries starting with 吁

吃 (U+5403 radical 口)

  1. (chī) to eat; to consume; to eat at (a cafeteria etc); to eradicate; to destroy; to absorb; to suffer
  2. (jí) stammer
64 entries starting with 吃

各 (U+5404 radical 口)

  1. (gè) each; every
40 entries starting with 各

吅 (U+5405 radical 口)

  1. (sòng) variant of 訟|讼, to sue; to argue; to engage in polemics
  2. (xuān) variant of 喧 clamor; noise; noisy
2 entries starting with 吅

吆 (U+5406 radical 口)

  1. (yāo) to shout; to bawl; to yell (to urge on an animal); to hawk (one's wares)
5 entries starting with 吆

合 (U+5408 radical 口)

  1. (gě) 100 ml; one-tenth of a peck; measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth of sheng 升 or liter, or one-hundredth dou 斗
  2. (hé) to close; to join; to fit; to be equal to; whole; together; round (in battle); conjunction (astronomy); 1st note of pentatonic scale; old variant of 盒[he2]
141 entries starting with 合

吉 (U+5409 radical 口)

  1. (jí) surname Ji; abbr. for Jilin Province 吉林省[Ji2 lin2 sheng3]
  2. (jí) lucky; giga- (meaning billion or 10^9)
81 entries starting with 吉

吊 (U+540A radical 口)

  1. (diào) to suspend; to hang up; to hang a person
  2. (diào) a string of 100 cash (arch.); to lament; to condole with
63 entries starting with 吊

吋 (U+540B radical 口)

  1. (cùn) inch (English)

同 (U+540C radical 口)

  1. (tóng) like; same; similar; together; alike; with
  2. (tòng) see 衚衕|胡同[hu2 tong4]
159 entries starting with 同

名 (U+540D radical 口)

  1. (míng) name; noun (part of speech); place (e.g. among winners); famous; classifier for people
111 entries starting with 名

后 (U+540E radical 口)

  1. (hòu) surname Hou
  2. (hòu) empress; queen
  3. (hòu) back; behind; rear; afterwards; after; later
137 entries starting with 后

吏 (U+540F radical 口)

  1. (lì) minor government official or functionary (old)
4 entries starting with 吏

吐 (U+5410 radical 口)

  1. (tǔ) to spit; to put; to say
  2. (tù) to vomit; to throw up
29 entries starting with 吐

向 (U+5411 radical 口)

  1. (xiàng) surname Xiang
  2. (xiàng) towards; to face; to turn towards; direction; to support; to side with; shortly before; formerly; always; all along
43 entries starting with 向

吒 (U+5412 radical 口)

  1. (zhā) used for the sound "zha" in certain names
  2. (zhà) variant of 咤[zha4]
2 entries starting with 吒

吓 (U+5413 radical 口)

  1. (hè) to scare; to intimidate; to threaten; (interjection showing disapproval) tut-tut; (interjection showing astonishment)
  2. (xià) to frighten; to scare
12 entries starting with 吓

吔 (U+5414 radical 口)

  1. (yē) onomat. for surprise, amazement and sigh

吕 (U+5415 radical 口)

  1. (lǚ) surname Lü
  2. (lǚ) pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system
14 entries starting with 吕

吖 (U+5416 radical 口)

  1. (ā) phonetic a, similar to 呵; -azine, see 吖嗪[a1 qin2]
3 entries starting with 吖

吗 (U+5417 radical 口)

  1. (mǎ) see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine
  2. (ma) (question tag)
4 entries starting with 吗

君 (U+541B radical 口)

  1. (jūn) monarch; lord; gentleman; ruler
21 entries starting with 君

吜 (U+541C radical 口)

  1. (chǒu) (onomat.)

吝 (U+541D radical 口)

  1. (lìn) stingy
4 entries starting with 吝

吞 (U+541E radical 口)

  1. (tūn) to swallow; to take
18 entries starting with 吞

吟 (U+541F radical 口)

  1. (yín) to moan; to hum
8 entries starting with 吟

吠 (U+5420 radical 口)

  1. (fèi) to bark
3 entries starting with 吠

吡 (U+5421 radical 口)

  1. (bǐ) used as phonetic bi- or pi-
4 entries starting with 吡

吣 (U+5423 radical 口)

  1. (qìn) to vomit (of dogs and cats); to rail against; to talk nonsense

否 (U+5426 radical 口)

  1. (fǒu) to negate; to deny; not
  2. (pǐ) clogged; evil
11 entries starting with 否

吧 (U+5427 radical 口)

  1. (bā) bar (serving drinks, or providing internet access etc); to puff (on a pipe etc); onomat. bang
  2. (ba) (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise); ...right?; ...OK?; ...I presume.
9 entries starting with 吧

吨 (U+5428 radical 口)

  1. (dūn) ton; Taiwan pr. [dun4]
5 entries starting with 吨

吩 (U+5429 radical 口)

  1. (fēn) leave instructions; to order
2 entries starting with 吩

吪 (U+542A radical 口)

  1. (é) move

含 (U+542B radical 口)

  1. (hán) to keep; to contain; to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing)
36 entries starting with 含

听 (U+542C radical 口)

  1. (tīng) to listen; to hear; to obey; a can (loanword from English "tin"); classifier for canned beverages
  2. (tìng) to let; to allow
65 entries starting with 听

吭 (U+542D radical 口)

  1. (háng) throat
  2. (kēng) to utter
6 entries starting with 吭

吮 (U+542E radical 口)

  1. (shǔn) to suck
2 entries starting with 吮

启 (U+542F radical 口)

  1. (qǐ) Qi son of Yu the Great 禹[Yu3], reported founder of the Xia Dynasty 夏朝[Xia4 Chao2] (c. 2070-c. 1600 BC)
  2. (qǐ) to open; to start; to initiate; to enlighten or awaken; to state; to inform
31 entries starting with 启

吰 (U+5430 radical 口)

  1. (hóng) clang

吱 (U+5431 radical 口)

  1. (zhī) creaking or groaning sound (onomatopoeia)
  2. (zī) (of mice) to squeak; (of small birds) to chirp or peep (onomatopoeia)
6 entries starting with 吱

吲 (U+5432 radical 口)

  1. (yǐn) see 吲哚, indole C8H7N
2 entries starting with 吲

吴 (U+5434 radical 口)

  1. (wú) surname Wu; area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai; name of states in Southern China at different historical periods
60 entries starting with 吴

吵 (U+5435 radical 口)

  1. (chǎo) to quarrel; to make a noise; noisy; to disturb by making a noise
9 entries starting with 吵

吸 (U+5438 radical 口)

  1. (xī) to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale
56 entries starting with 吸

吹 (U+5439 radical 口)

  1. (chuī) to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through
30 entries starting with 吹

吻 (U+543B radical 口)

  1. (wěn) kiss; to kiss; mouth
5 entries starting with 吻

吼 (U+543C radical 口)

  1. (hǒu) roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage
3 entries starting with 吼

吽 (U+543D radical 口)

  1. (hōng) sound of a Buddhist incantation
  2. (hǒu) roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage
3 entries starting with 吽

吾 (U+543E radical 口)

  1. (wú) surname Wu
  2. (wú) I; my (old)
4 entries starting with 吾

呀 (U+5440 radical 口)

  1. (ya) (particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)

呃 (U+5443 radical 口)

  1. (è) (exclamation); to hiccup

呆 (U+5446 radical 口)

  1. (dāi) foolish; stupid; expressionless; blank; to stay
11 entries starting with 呆

呇 (U+5447 radical 口)

  1. (qǐ) star

呈 (U+5448 radical 口)

  1. (chéng) to assume (a form); to submit; to petition; to show; to present; to offer
10 entries starting with 呈

呉 (U+5449 radical 口)

  1. (wú) Japanese variant of 吳|吴

告 (U+544A radical 口)

  1. (gào) to tell; to inform; to say
25 entries starting with 告

呋 (U+544B radical 口)

  1. (fū) see 呋喃 furan or 呋喃西林 furacilinum
3 entries starting with 呋

呎 (U+544E radical 口)

  1. (chǐ) foot (unit of length equal to 0.3048 m); old form of modern 英尺[ying1 chi3]

呏 (U+544F radical 口)

  1. (shēng) gallon; quart

呐 (U+5450 radical 口)

  1. (nà) battle cry
  2. (na) sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊[ne5 a5] or variant of 哪[na5])
3 entries starting with 呐

呒 (U+5452 radical 口)

  1. (fǔ) unclear; an expletive
3 entries starting with 呒

呓 (U+5453 radical 口)

  1. (yì) talk in sleep
2 entries starting with 呓

呔 (U+5454 radical 口)

  1. (tāi) tie; necktie; tire (Cantonese)

呕 (U+5455 radical 口)

  1. (ǒu) vomit
6 entries starting with 呕

呖 (U+5456 radical 口)

  1. (lì) sound of splitting; cracking

呗 (U+5457 radical 口)

  1. (bài) to chant; see 梵唄|梵呗[fan4 bai4]
  2. (bei) modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm; modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way
2 entries starting with 呗

员 (U+5458 radical 口)

  1. (yuán) person; employee; member
8 entries starting with 员

呛 (U+545B radical 口)

  1. (qiāng) to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way)
  2. (qiàng) to irritate the nose; to choke (of smoke, smell etc); pungent
3 entries starting with 呛

呜 (U+545C radical 口)

  1. (wū) onomat. for humming or whimpering
5 entries starting with 呜

呠 (U+5460 radical 口)

  1. (pēn) to spurt; to blow out; to puff out; to snort

呡 (U+5461 radical 口)

  1. (wěn) the corners of the mouth; the lips

呢 (U+5462 radical 口)

  1. (ne) particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?"); particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?"); particle serving as a pause, to emphasize the preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?"); (at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation of a state or action; particle indicating strong affirmation
  2. (nī) this (Cantonese); see also 哩[li1]
  3. (ní) woolen material
7 entries starting with 呢

呣 (U+5463 radical 口)

  1. (m2) interjection, exclamation or a grunt expressing question(叹词 interjection)
  2. (m4) interjection, exclamation or a grunt expressing consent (叹词 interjection); um
2 entries starting with 呣

呤 (U+5464 radical 口)

  1. (líng) purine (chemistry); to whisper

呦 (U+5466 radical 口)

  1. (yōu) bleating of the deer

呧 (U+5467 radical 口)

  1. (dǐ) vex

周 (U+5468 radical 口)

  1. (zhōu) surname Zhou; Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC)
  2. (zhōu) to make a circuit; to circle; circle; circumference; lap; cycle; complete; all; all over; thorough; to help financially
  3. (zhōu) week; weekly; variant of 周[zhou1]
106 entries starting with 周

呫 (U+546B radical 口)

  1. (tiè) to mutter; to talk indistinctly
  2. (zhān) to drink; to sip; to taste; to lick; whisper; petty
9 entries starting with 呫

呬 (U+546C radical 口)

  1. (xì) to rest

呯 (U+546F radical 口)

  1. (píng) bang!; sound of a gong, a gun firing etc (onomatopoeia)

呰 (U+5470 radical 口)

  1. (zǐ) to slander; to blame; to revile

呱 (U+5471 radical 口)

  1. (gū) crying sound of child
2 entries starting with 呱

呲 (U+5472 radical 口)

  1. (zī) variant of 齜|龇, projecting teeth; to grimace; to bare one's teeth
2 entries starting with 呲

味 (U+5473 radical 口)

  1. (wèi) taste; smell
10 entries starting with 味

呴 (U+5474 radical 口)

  1. (xū) breathe on; yawn; roar

呵 (U+5475 radical 口)

  1. (ā) variant of 啊[a1]
  2. (hē) expel breath; my goodness
10 entries starting with 呵

呶 (U+5476 radical 口)

  1. (náo) clamor

呷 (U+5477 radical 口)

  1. (xiā) suck, swallow, drink
2 entries starting with 呷

呸 (U+5478 radical 口)

  1. (pēi) pah!; bah!; pooh!; to spit (in contempt)

呺 (U+547A radical 口)

  1. (xiāo) voice of anger; vast; spacious

呻 (U+547B radical 口)

  1. (shēn) groan
2 entries starting with 呻

呼 (U+547C radical 口)

  1. (hū) to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale
58 entries starting with 呼

命 (U+547D radical 口)

  1. (mìng) life; fate; order or command; to assign a name, title etc
24 entries starting with 命

呿 (U+547F radical 口)

  1. (qū) to yawn

咀 (U+5480 radical 口)

  1. (jǔ) to chew; to masticate
2 entries starting with 咀

咁 (U+5481 radical 口)

  1. (gān) so (Cantonese); Mandarin equivalent: 這樣|这样[zhe4 yang4]

咂 (U+5482 radical 口)

  1. (zā) to sip; to smack one's lips; to taste; to savor

咄 (U+5484 radical 口)

  1. (duō) noise of rage; to cry out in anger; Taiwan pr. [duo4]
5 entries starting with 咄

咆 (U+5486 radical 口)

  1. (páo) to roar
3 entries starting with 咆

咇 (U+5487 radical 口)

  1. (bì) fragrant

咈 (U+5488 radical 口)

  1. (fú) oppose

咋 (U+548B radical 口)

  1. (zǎ) dialectal equivalent of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]
  2. (zé) gnaw
  3. (zhà) loud noise; shout; suddenly
5 entries starting with 咋

和 (U+548C radical 口)

  1. (hé) surname He
  2. (hé) and; together with; with; sum; union; peace; harmony; Japanese related; Taiwan pr. [han4]
  3. (hè) cap (a poem); to respond in singing
  4. (hú) to complete a set in mahjong or playing cards
  5. (huó) soft; warm
  6. (huò) to mix together; to blend
95 entries starting with 和

咍 (U+548D radical 口)

  1. (hāi) (interj.); happy; sound of laughter

咎 (U+548E radical 口)

  1. (jiù) fault; to blame; to punish; calamity; misfortune
2 entries starting with 咎

咏 (U+548F radical 口)

  1. (yǒng) to sing
4 entries starting with 咏

咐 (U+5490 radical 口)

  1. (fù) to order

咑 (U+5491 radical 口)

  1. (dā) da! (sound used to move animals along)

咒 (U+5492 radical 口)

  1. (zhòu) incantation; magic spell; curse; malediction; to revile; to put a curse on sb
5 entries starting with 咒

咔 (U+5494 radical 口)

  1. (kǎ) (used as phonetic "ka")
4 entries starting with 咔

咕 (U+5495 radical 口)

  1. (gū) onomatopoeia for the sound of a bird, an empty stomach etc
9 entries starting with 咕

咖 (U+5496 radical 口)

  1. (kā) coffee; class; grade
15 entries starting with 咖

咗 (U+5497 radical 口)

  1. (zuǒ) Cantonese particle equivalent to 了[le5] or 過|过[guo4]

咙 (U+5499 radical 口)

  1. (lóng) throat

咚 (U+549A radical 口)

  1. (dōng) boom (of a drum)
3 entries starting with 咚

咛 (U+549B radical 口)

  1. (níng) enjoin

咝 (U+549D radical 口)

  1. (sī) to hiss; to whistle; to whiz; to fizz (onomatopoeia)
2 entries starting with 咝

咠 (U+54A0 radical 口)

  1. (qì) to whisper; to blame, to slander

咡 (U+54A1 radical 口)

  1. (èr) space between mouth and ears

咢 (U+54A2 radical 口)

  1. (è) beat a drum; startle

咣 (U+54A3 radical 口)

  1. (guāng) bang; sound of door banging shut (onomatopoeia)
2 entries starting with 咣

咤 (U+54A4 radical 口)

  1. (zhà) see 叱咤[chi4 zha4]

咥 (U+54A5 radical 口)

  1. (dié) gnaw; bite
  2. (xì) loud laugh
2 entries starting with 咥

咦 (U+54A6 radical 口)

  1. (yí) expression of surprise

咧 (U+54A7 radical 口)

  1. (liē) see 咧咧[lie1 lie1]
  2. (liě) to draw back the corners of one's mouth
  3. (lie) modal particle expressing exclamation
6 entries starting with 咧

咨 (U+54A8 radical 口)

  1. (zī) consult
4 entries starting with 咨

咩 (U+54A9 radical 口)

  1. (miē) the bleating of sheep; final particle which transforms statements into questions that indicate doubt or surprise (Cantonese)

咪 (U+54AA radical 口)

  1. (mī) sound to call cat
2 entries starting with 咪

咫 (U+54AB radical 口)

  1. (zhǐ) 8 in. length unit of Zhou dynasty
2 entries starting with 咫

咬 (U+54AC radical 口)

  1. (yǎo) to bite; to nip
13 entries starting with 咬

咭 (U+54AD radical 口)

  1. (jī) variant of 嘰|叽[ji1]
2 entries starting with 咭

咮 (U+54AE radical 口)

  1. (zhòu) beak of bird; peck at

咯 (U+54AF radical 口)

  1. (gē) (phonetic)
  2. (lo) (final particle similar to 了, indicating that sth is obvious)
  3. (luò) to cough up; also pr. [ka3]
6 entries starting with 咯

咱 (U+54B1 radical 口)

  1. (zá) see 咱[zan2]
  2. (zán) I or me; we (including both the speaker and the person spoken to)
6 entries starting with 咱

咲 (U+54B2 radical 口)

  1. (xiào) old variant of 笑, laugh; smile

咳 (U+54B3 radical 口)

  1. (hāi) sound of sighing
  2. (ké) cough
3 entries starting with 咳

咸 (U+54B8 radical 口)

  1. (xián) surname Xian
  2. (xián) all; everyone; each; widespread; harmonious
  3. (xián) salted; salty; stingy; miserly
35 entries starting with 咸

咹 (U+54B9 radical 口)

  1. (è) eh?

咺 (U+54BA radical 口)

  1. (xuǎn) glorious; sob; weep

咻 (U+54BB radical 口)

  1. (xiū) call out; jeer

咼 (U+54BC radical 口)

  1. (guō) surname Guo

咽 (U+54BD radical 口)

  1. (yān) narrow pass; throat; pharynx
  2. (yàn) to swallow
  3. (yè) to choke (in crying)
11 entries starting with 咽

咾 (U+54BE radical 口)

  1. (lǎo) a noise; a sound

咿 (U+54BF radical 口)

  1. (yī) to squeak (onomatopoeia)

哀 (U+54C0 radical 口)

  1. (āi) Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Li 釐|厘[Li2]
  2. (āi) sorrow; grief; pity; to grieve for; to pity; to lament; to condole
41 entries starting with 哀

品 (U+54C1 radical 口)

  1. (pǐn) article; commodity; product; goods; kind; grade; rank; character; disposition; nature; temperament; variety; to taste sth; to sample; to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up
44 entries starting with 品

哂 (U+54C2 radical 口)

  1. (shěn) smile
2 entries starting with 哂

哄 (U+54C4 radical 口)

  1. (hōng) roar of laughter (onomatopoeia); hubbub; to roar (as a crowd)
  2. (hǒng) to deceive; to coax; to amuse (a child)
  3. (hòng) tumult; uproar; commotion; disturbance
11 entries starting with 哄

哆 (U+54C6 radical 口)

  1. (duō) quiver; woolen cloth
4 entries starting with 哆

哇 (U+54C7 radical 口)

  1. (wā) Wow!; sound of child's crying; sound of vomiting
  2. (wa) replaces 啊[a5] when following the vowel "u" or "ao"
6 entries starting with 哇

哈 (U+54C8 radical 口)

  1. (hā) abbr. for Kazakhstan; abbr. for Harbin
  2. (hā) laughter; yawn
  3. (hǎ) a Pekinese; a pug
90 entries starting with 哈

哉 (U+54C9 radical 口)

  1. (zāi) (exclamatory or interrogative particle)

哋 (U+54CB radical 口)

  1. (dì) (Cant.) plural for pronouns

哌 (U+54CC radical 口)

  1. (pài) used in transliteration
3 entries starting with 哌

响 (U+54CD radical 口)

  1. (xiǎng) echo; sound; noise; to make a sound; to sound; to ring; loud; classifier for noises
15 entries starting with 响

哎 (U+54CE radical 口)

  1. (āi) hey!; (interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation)
4 entries starting with 哎

哏 (U+54CF radical 口)

  1. (gén) funny; odd; interesting
  2. (hěn) old variant of 狠, fierce; ominous; also old variant of 很, very; also used as an exclamation of anger
2 entries starting with 哏

哐 (U+54D0 radical 口)

  1. (kuāng) phonetic; onomat. clang; see 哐啷, clatter
3 entries starting with 哐

哑 (U+54D1 radical 口)

  1. (yā) (onomat.)
  2. (yǎ) dumb; mute; hoarse; husky; unexploded (of artillery shell etc)
16 entries starting with 哑

哒 (U+54D2 radical 口)

  1. (dā) (phonetic); command to a horse; clatter (of horses' hoofs)
2 entries starting with 哒

哓 (U+54D3 radical 口)

  1. (xiāo) a cry of alarm; querulous

哔 (U+54D4 radical 口)

  1. (bì) beiges; serge
3 entries starting with 哔

哕 (U+54D5 radical 口)

  1. (huì) see 噦噦|哕哕[hui4 hui4]
  2. (yuě) to puke; to hiccup
3 entries starting with 哕

哗 (U+54D7 radical 口)

  1. (huā) crashing sound
  2. (huá) cat-calling sound; clamor; noise
11 entries starting with 哗

哙 (U+54D9 radical 口)

  1. (kuài) surname Kuai
  2. (kuài) throat; to swallow
2 entries starting with 哙

哚 (U+54DA radical 口)

  1. (duǒ) see 吲哚, indole C8H7N

哜 (U+54DC radical 口)

  1. (jì) sip

哝 (U+54DD radical 口)

  1. (nóng) garrulous

哞 (U+54DE radical 口)

  1. (mōu) moo (sound made by cow)

哟 (U+54DF radical 口)

  1. (yō) Oh! (interjection indicating slight surprise)
  2. (yo) (sentence-final particle expressing exhortation); (syllable filler in a song)
2 entries starting with 哟

哢 (U+54E2 radical 口)

  1. (lòng) to sing or chirp (of birds); music sound

哤 (U+54E4 radical 口)

  1. (máng) jargon

哥 (U+54E5 radical 口)

  1. (gē) elder brother
30 entries starting with 哥

哦 (U+54E6 radical 口)

  1. (é) to chant
  2. (ó) oh (interjection indicating doubt or surprise)
  3. (ò) oh (interjection indicating that one has just learned sth)
3 entries starting with 哦

哧 (U+54E7 radical 口)

  1. (chī) sound of giggling; see 呼哧[hu1 chi1]

哨 (U+54E8 radical 口)

  1. (shào) a whistle; sentry
7 entries starting with 哨

哩 (U+54E9 radical 口)

  1. (lī) this (Cantonese); see also 呢[ni1]; see also 哩哩羅羅|哩哩罗罗[li1 li1 luo1 luo1]
  2. (lǐ) mile (unit of length equal to 1,609.344 m); old form of modern 英里[ying1 li3]
  3. (li) (modal final particle similar to 呢[ne5] or 啦[la5])
7 entries starting with 哩

哪 (U+54EA radical 口)

  1. (nǎ) how; which
  2. (na) (particle equivalent to 啊 after noun ending in -n)
  3. (něi) which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier)
15 entries starting with 哪

哫 (U+54EB radical 口)

  1. (zú) to cajole

哭 (U+54ED radical 口)

  1. (kū) to cry; to weep
20 entries starting with 哭

哮 (U+54EE radical 口)

  1. (xiāo) pant; roar; bark (of animals)
4 entries starting with 哮

哰 (U+54F0 radical 口)

  1. (láo) see 囒哰[lan2 lao2], confused talk

哱 (U+54F1 radical 口)

  1. (bō) phonetic bo; used in onomatopoeia; see 呼呼哱[hu1 hu1 bo1], hoopoe bird

哲 (U+54F2 radical 口)

  1. (zhé) philosophy; wise
10 entries starting with 哲

哳 (U+54F3 radical 口)

  1. (zhā) see 嘲哳, onomat., twitter; twittering sound

哶 (U+54F6 radical 口)

  1. (miē) to bleat

哺 (U+54FA radical 口)

  1. (bǔ) to feed
  2. (bū) to eat; evening meal
  3. (bù) see 餔子|哺子[bu4 zi5]
12 entries starting with 哺

哼 (U+54FC radical 口)

  1. (hēng) to groan; to snort; to hum; to croon; humph!
6 entries starting with 哼

哽 (U+54FD radical 口)

  1. (gěng) choking
2 entries starting with 哽

哿 (U+54FF radical 口)

  1. (gě) excellent; happy; well-being